Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Bleyoki

So how does one manifest the power of 'evil and corruption'? I mean, honestly, standard corruption is so over rated. Things rot. Yeehaw. I'm the evil bad guy and I'm making things rot.

Bleyok might do that. He's a petulant runt (emotionally speaking) who likes to kick sand in what the other gods have done. During his reign it totally makes sense that he would control the minds and destinies of all living creatures, though his power was obviously never absolute otherwise there wouldn't have been a world left by the time he was done.

No, far more interesting are the little bundles of joy he left behind for the next age, the Bleyoki. First off, they've got to be physically strong, because that's the way Bleyok's mind works, but I'd imagine they're quite clever as well. In fact, being evil and immature, he's probably going to have elements of the Simsaur, the Abysmali and the Gods, but particularly magic and science. I can't picture him caring about the power of Hearth and Home.

So it strikes me that the main thing that the Bleyoki do is copy other abilities, really really ridiculously well. If someone else comes up with a spell or a device, they do the same thing and remanufacture it at a rate that is just disgusting. However, I can't picture them having any kind of a coherent social structure. But at the same time, if they're the 'orcs' of Green world, then why not have hoards of them?

I guess they can't really be Orcs, even though that's how I initially thought of them. Maybe more like pernicious humanoid ants.

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