Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I've finally finally started on notes for the novel. Its been pretty slow going, and I think part of it was that typing it all in here just wasn't working for me, so I've been working on the notes by hand in the early morning. So far, I have a rough map of the second age, and I'm going to keep working on that until I have the big map and then make Glashause, where most of the novel will take place.

I'm also starting with the basics of the plot, and so far I have four threads which will require a bit more definition, but its a start. I hope to get an outline done, because one way or another, come Tuesday the 8th of September I keep going at 1000 words a day for 120 days non stop until I have a novel...or at least the first chunk of one.

Precyber is at Chapter 30 at this point, but I have a lot of edits I have to turn into Ken.

Thinking about starting two more poems, but I haven't decided what they should be at this point. We'll see.

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