Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Go to Jail. Do Not Pass Go.

So, word count doesn't matter much if you're producing reams and reams of crap. Better 10 words that actually matter than 10000 that don't.

I'd noticed the phenomena before, but thought it was what I was largely writing ABOUT not the way I was writing or thought I just needed to spell check or grammar check more (I still do) but the reason I wear through readers like you might wear down teeth is because I suck. :) Yes. I said it, I'm an awful writer, especially given how long I've been doing this.

Bradbury said that it took a million words before you became a professional, and here I am at probably what...700000 and I bore people to tears?

Well I'm not giving it up but its back to basics first, writing in a way people find more comprehensible.

I'll keep this up but it will likely be boring for a while, grammar and such. I am going to rewrite Unfood because the idea is too good to let linger, but it will likely be more 'Oops, they rejected it.'

Might start putting rejection letters here though, that might be amusing to look back at if I ever do write something non-abominable...:)

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