Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Only Truth We Ever Really Need To Know

The only truth we ever really need to know.

Erat niger atque turbulentus nox et Beagle (a parva albus canis) sibi habebat manuscript recusatus tempore novissimo. Ipse cordule rumpebantur et in snapping determinetur, ut undique eum patiatur, et morietur. Ille erat unus ad minimum opus esse, ut sciat plus sibi aliquis vult facere. Magister quippe alio modo posset? De rotunda grandis calvus caput et striata niger et flavum shirt erat valde aperti ad suggestione, maxime dum dormivit.

Erat enim et noctes et somnia XX Caroli noctibus Beagle susurros animum. Et dormivit et vidit dominus mortis, et color flavus, caedem furor. Vicesimo denique nocte ecce dominus exortus et egressus stetit in via ita ut omnes conquoring mundus intereat.

Primis parentibus, quibus ille genu poplite flexo ante eum. "Wahwahwahwahwah, whawhawha, OH DEUS!" et butyrum cum ferro caesa. In Beagle placuit ei. Tum Carolus versa sororis, ipsa crine flavo nomine eruptionem nec quis arcu. Caesa est cum Capsicum annuum peeler, unum exuo carnis procul a vicis.

Multi diem obiit. Strepitumque os Lucy qui conservavit felis ab eo. Spork interfecta est in oculo. Linus conatus ratio cum insanum unum, sed ille suffocatus est cum suo stragulum '. In piano ludio ludius fuerat nervorumque caesionem incidi et erat insertis, a platea lucerna. Paulatim collegerunt exercitum, et primi illius Pigpen conscribere. In omnibus eorundem Beagle observabant a tenebris, strepere.

Donec senatus a die sedit huius rei magno Calvi unum Dominum Deum nostrum et parvi canis albi. Olympus resurrexit.

Hoc est verum. Hoc quotidie mane referimus vitae. Serviamus imperatoris. Nos iussa facessunt. Vivemus ad serviam. Perfect ministerii perfectae beatitudinis.

Finished retranslation: The very act we only really swept Neath to know.

It was a dark and stormy night, and the Beagle (the small white dog) had had a manuscript rejected for the last time. He snapped, broken and determined that he must cause all around him to suffer or die. He was but one dog and could not do this.... But Master on the other hand? The one of the large round bald head and black and yellow striped shirt was very open to the suggestion, especially while sleeping.

For a night and 20 nights into the mind of Charles did the Beagle whisper. And he slept and he saw the lord of death, and the color yellow, and the fury of slaughter. And it came to pass, on the twentieth night, lo, the lord of the rising and went out and stood in the way of the world, so that all may be conquored and killed.

parents, who submitted on bended knee in front of him. "Wahwahwahwahwah, whawhawha, OH GOD!" and with a butter knife were cut. The Beagle was pleased. Charles turned to his sister, the one with the poofy yellow hair and a bow. She was slain with a potato peeler. She was but the first to fall.

Many have died. Lucy, of the loud mouth and keeper of the large cat. She was killed with a spork to the eye. Linus tried to reason with the mad one, but he was choked with his blanket. The piano player was cut and strung from the street lamp. Gradually, Charlse gathered an army, and his first recruit was Pigpen. All the while the Beagle watched from the shadows, cackling.

Until the day he sat in the Senate from the one Lord, our God, the Bald one and the great white little. Olympus rose again.

This is true. This we cite every day of our life. Hail the emperor. We do his bidding. We live to serve. Perfect service is perfect bliss.

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