Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Seventh Seal - Chapter 1 - Page 2

Page 2
Row 1 Panel 1 – Clock Shows 10:30am.

Row 1 Panel 2 – Door opens with a mother blithely carrying laundry folded in a basket.

Row 1 Panel 3 – Mother looks utterly shocked and drops basket.

Row 1 Panel 4 – Mother looks very angry with hands on her hips.

Row 2 – cut back shot of the neighborhood with moderately large type at the top. “PETER GABRIEL HARTZ! YOU ARE IN VERY BIG TROUBLE! GET TO SCHOOL...NOW!”

Row 3 Panel 1 – The imp, smiling, leaps up outside from the window onto the troll's shoulder.

VESUVIUS the Imp: “We did good this time Sluice. I really think we got it right.”

Row 3 Panel 2 – They start to walk out into the alley and into a crowded market place. They are clearly visible to people but no one runs away in panick.

Sluice the Troll: “Remind me why this is important again Vesuvius?”

Row 3 Panel 3 – Close shot of Vesuvius rolling his eyes and looking heavenward.

Row 3 Panel 4 – Shot of the two of them watching on the corner of the house while Pete dashes out the front door with his books.

Vesuvius: “Because this kid is a linchpin, that's why. He's important.”

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