Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Could Have Been - Seventh Seal - Chapter 1 - Page 1

The artist I originally collaborated on these with has since moved on.  I own the script now, but not the art so I won't be showing the beautiful 16 pictures of chapter 1.

But I'm tired of waiting for things to change.  It is not happening, so I will be releasing the script instead as if it were a web comic, per my original intentions with the Graphic Novel, "Seventh Seal." Each Tuesday and Thursday, a page at a time until done.

Page 1
Three Panels, Horizontal.

First panel shows an imp sitting on a window ledge, with a giant troll looking through the window down at a sleeping boy. The sunlight shines through on to the 12 year old's face.

Box lettering says: “Some people are a lot more important than they realize.”

Second panel is divided into three sections across the middle showing the imp jumping off the window sill, moving across the bed and jumping onto the alarm clock on the table.

Third is divided into two sections.

Bottom left panel: Box text. “People think that big things affect big people. They're wrong.”

Picture of the imp reaching into the alarm clock.

Bottom right panel: Box text. “It's the little things that matter most.”

Clock makes a 'sproink' sound. Imp looks satisfied while the boy snores.

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