Thursday, January 16, 2014

Seventh Seal - Chapter 3 - Page 44

Row 1 Box 1 Wideshot of Nungo Jesra and Pete
Jesra: What do you mean –
Pete: -Never had a seal here before?
Nungo: Pete is a seal. He’s someone is key to winning the battle on your world. Actually, both of you are, but the actual magic seems to lie with Pete.
Row 1 Box 2 Pete looks very upset.
Pete: What? I don’t want to be a seal.
Row 1 Box 3 Second Wide Shot, similar to the first but Jesra looks amused and more relaxed, whilst Pete looks more tense. Nungo has moved a little closer to Pete.
Jesra: I thought you liked fish.
Pete: Not now.
Jesra: If not now, when!
Pete: Quit it Jes. This is serious.
Row 2 Box 1 Jesra rolls her eyes.
Row 2 Box 2 Jesra looks at Pete.
Jesra: This became serious when you suddenly became a hero or something. That’s when you started taking it seriously.
Row 2 Box 3 Pete doesn’t say anything and looks up at the ceiling.
Row 3 Box 1 Nungo and Jesra talk to each other.
Jesra: So why don’t we stay here and help you? If Pete’s being here helps you then I don’t see why-
Nungo: Because the battle is on your world. Pete is only one of three seals. Staying here would only make things worse.
Row 3 Box 2 Sluice puts his hand on Pete’s shoulder. It’s a very large hand and a very small shoulder.
Sluice: Running away never solves anything. Have to fight.
Row 3 Box 3 Jesra looks at Pete.
Row 3 Box 4 Jesra looks at Nungo.

Jess: Then how do we win the fight?

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