Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Seventh Seal - Chapter 3 - Page 45

Horus’s Throne Room
Row 1 Box 1 – Horus looks into the pool and frowns at the sign of the seven in the sky.
Row 1 Box 2 – Slither and Amanda watch very quietly and nervously from the sidelines.
Row 1 Box 3 – Horus looks into the pool and sees a flame douse though it is vague and featureless since he cannot scry into their realm just yet.
Row 1 Box 4 – Horus frowns.
Row 2 Box 1 – Slither and Amanda look at each other nervously. There is camaraderie in doom.
Row 2 Box 2 – Power begins to build up in Horus’s hands.
Row 2 Box 3 – Slither looks nervous but Amanda looks positively terrified but she is more afraid to flee than she is to stay. For now.
Row 3 Box 1 – Horus spots an empty space at the museum and looks puzzled a moment.
Row 3 Box 2 – Time winds backwards as the sands of an hourglass in the pool flow upward.
Row 3 Box 3 – Horus spots Amanda and Pete enter the portal after Vesuvius.
Row 3 Box 4 – Horus laughs and howls at the broken moon.
Row 4 Box 1- Horus waves his hand and dismisses the images in the pool.
Row 4 Box 2 -Horus looks at Amanda and Slither. Slither has no reaction at all, Amanda looks very careful.
Row 4 Box 3 -Horus opens a portal of his own and points toward it.
Horus: There is a seal lost to them. Go and seize the advantage. While there is still time.

Row 4 Box 4 - Amanda and Slither do not hesitate, and run for the portal as fast as they can.

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