Thursday, April 10, 2014

[Seventh Seal] Page 66 - Chapter 5

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Row 1 Box1 1 Horus sits on his throne watching the scene in the church through the scrying pool.
Horus: We saw who you really were in the beginning.
Box 2 One of the dispossessed souls in the pool in chains looks back up through the water at Horus.
Horus: We value the strength of the individual. The natural order of nature and the freedom to take its course. You still seek to impose your will upon it.
Row 2 Box 1 Klery sits in front of the alter, kneeling.
Narration: You cannot stop a Hurricane, or an Earth Quake…
Box 2 The soul looks away from Horus’s gaze looking down at it, dejected.
Narration: And you cannot stop us.
Row 3 Box 1 Jesra, Vesuvius and Sluice run down a narrow alleyway.
Box 2 Sluice follows Vesuvius vague pointing and they run toward the church.
Box 3 As they enter the doors, they see Klery and twenty trolls behind her watching her.
Box 4 Vesuvius, Jesra and Sluice lay on either side, with their backs to the wall, and a clear view of the trolls in front of them, heads turned toward the middle, with a clear expression of fear on their faces, more so in the case of Vesuvius and Sluice.

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