Row 1 Nungo steps out of the portal. Behind him is a whole line of
'good' trolls, imps and other fae creatures from the other side of
the veil. Nungo looks annoyed but determined.
Row 2 Box 1 Close up of Nungo's fingers snapping.
Row 2 Box 2 Vesuvius's bubble pops and suddenly he can breath. Jesra
looks very happy.
Row 2 Box 3 Sluice is surrounded by a glow.
Row 2 Box 4 Sluice is now entirely whole.
Row 3 Box 1 Horus looks down from the corner of his eye and looks
concerned but does not stop his ritual.
Horus: Atila Zedemra Fortilana
Row 3 Box 2 The trolls working for Horus immediately turn around and
begin battling the forces that Nungo has brought with him.
Row 3 Box 3 Jesra reaches down and picks up the wand.
Row 3 Box 4 Jesra points the wand at Horus and a stream of boxing
gloves come out.
Row 4 Box 1 Horus looks annoyed at their impact but doesn't stop.
Horus: Atinea Forical Tortuga
Row 4 Box 2 Vesuvius smiles on Jesra's shoulder and opens his hand.
Vesuvius: You're a natural but would you mind?
Row 4 Box 3 Jesra looks mildly chagrined, smiles and hands him the
Row 4 Box 4 Vesuvius takes it and smiles wickedly.
Vesuvius: Thanks!
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