Thursday, July 24, 2014

[Script] Tossing Grenades at Windmills - Page 2

Fade In:


A giant robot walks down the street. It vaporizes a car. A large hovercycle pulls up and INORIA and HAWKQUEEN get off.

FRANK NOBLE walks down the street, speaking into a cellphone.

Yes, I've nearly got it working. Its pretty amazing stuff. So far its refracted literally everything that I've thrown at it. This could mean unlimited room temperature superconductivity...

Frank ignores the robot. Just another day and battle in the city. Hawkqueen and Inoria do battle against the robot in the background while DOCTOR SHADOWS gets out of a black sedan and follows Frank into his lab. Frank does not see Dr. shadows.


Frank sighs, puts on a pair of goggles and fires up a laser which bounces off a thin sheet of something shiny and tinfoil like. (Reflexium.)

Doctor Shadows watches this, still unseen.

If I coat it with a little of this... (Sprays something on the sheet)

The robot walks by the window. Inoria is hanging onto its leg, banging on it with something bulky and metal to utterly no effect.

Frank tries the laser again, this time it is much stronger.

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