Thursday, July 31, 2014

[Script] Tossing Grenades at Windmills - Page 4

J.R.R. Thorne and Dr. Shadows enter from opposite ends and begin to walk around the chair.

Well Dr. Noble, have you changed your mind about giving me the formula?

Frank Noble slowly looks up.

Isn’t that already sort of formulaic?

Ah yes, evil villain tortures hapless scientist to obtain secret formula to conquer the world, isn’t that it?

Something like that yes. It sounds a lot like the shows I watched growing up as a child.

Ah, but you see Dr. Noble, the difference between your little television shows and THIS is that you are not only watching but feeling this…feeling the pain searing through your nerves, feeling the unreality of staying awake for 96 hours straight searing through your entire consciousness. You’ve managed to resist Dr. Shadows so far, but do you really think you can continue?

Doc Shadows stops walking around the chair and looks into Frank’s eyes.

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