Thursday, February 26, 2015

[Script] Tossing Grenades At Windmills - Page 59

God bless you. Maybe you aren’t entirely evil after all. 

I would have done that as a public service if I had the blackest of hearts. Now, you don’t have much time, seconds in fact. You need to take the acid vial that FRED Noble is using on his wrist chain as we speak.

Didn’t think there was much point in hiding my thoughts from a telepath. Wasn’t going to volunteer the information either.

Fred breaks free of his chain. 

Fred Noble? What-Not that I’m not glad for the help, but I thought you hated anything and everything that had to do with super heroes. 

You’ll find that there is a great deal about the Noble brothers that you might not ordinarily suspect. Right now, however, I’d place Frank’s cape between yourselves and that rather nasty looking grayish crystal on the far side of the room. 

And what will that do. 

It could send you anywhere in time or space, rather than simply scatter your atoms across the cosmos. If I wasn’t so practical, I’d almost envy you your trip.  

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