Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Writing Update

So far so good. I'm behind where I wanna be, but I've got three stories complete so far, Skip's story, Making the Demon and Raising Timmy.  Raising Timmy seems to have the most potential of the three but it will require some rewrites.  All of them will.  I'm sitting on em for three months, then I'll do an edit, and then wait for three more before another edit pass and submitting for publiciation (ie rejection) but I'm learning from past improvements and time helps a lot.

Working on two more stories that I just started. I'm trying to do them both at the same time, and I'm mainly trying to write more during the day and night to get myself ready for NaNoWrMo and..failing miserably.  I'm mainly writing at night and weekends, which just won't do know, that name is a pain to write, let's call it Death Month, shall we? Anyway, I'm gonna start notes on characters and plot outline here likely in April.

Podcast is chugging along nicely.  I sometimes have 10 people listening to it. I think my voice actor has some fans :D He is good at reading for GMVZ.  I'm getting a mike delivered this week but will likely resume reading sometime in April.

Finally, since I have a goal to write 3 scripts this year and Tossing Grenade Vs Windmills is going to run out in April or may, I'll need SOMETHING to replace it for the blog....Unfood will last a while, but I do  plan on doing another short film some time next year, and I'll likely start with the strongest of the three scripts I write this year.

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