Friday, June 26, 2015

How I Met Tom

The boy in the Graveyard Book didnt have a normal child hood.  But it gave him extraordinary abilities because of how he was raised.  He learned to become invisible and could see and speak to the dead.  Though if you ask him, he would likely have chosen his parents, despite all the good he had done.

I met Tom long before he met me.  You see, being raised in Wonderbreadland, with no magic was unbearable.  You can't live without magic and you can't live without dreams.  Its why the rest of Tom imported the dreams of someone else who was almost him as kind of a pace maker.

Let's just say Tom has seen what happens when most parts of a soul die.  Especially the dreams.  But where was I?

When the only place to find magic is in your head, you project outward, into realms that never were.  Far more good was done in places that you don't think matter, "not real" than you can imagine.   More than one kind too.  Word spread.

But you can't leave the body behind.  Wonderbreadland land was a chain that corrupted him just as much as everyone else there.  I saw him once when he was twelve.  He sent a duplicate of himself to the Bayou.  And ....


That's another story. 

But many years later, when I found him dripping wet and dry with sand on the bridge,  I knew right away who he was.   I told him the truth and helped him get home.  We stayed in touch.  He didn't really know me from Adam still, but a friend suggested a nome de gure.  And it stuck.

Hey, not all worlds echo throughout all creation like yours does.  But sometimes they do leak back.  Good thing too.

Perfectly decent human being.  Quite creative and capable.   One of the symptoms of escaping Wonderbreadland can be the inability tobself decieve.  Ever see The Invention of Lying?

Sometimes we have to lie to ourselves to try the impossible.   Ee need to.


Elsewise our temple of clouds becomes a bowling alley.

Watch Pleasantville, you'll get it.


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