Monday, July 20, 2015

Letters to Rhombus

So from time to time I get some fan mail.  It's interesting and fun stuff. I'm glad to be able to work on it, because it gives me a chance to connect with people.  We have a facebook page and you can hear the email to contact us with on the podcast.  To keep things interesting, I won't disclose which reality which is from.

Q: Dear Rhombus, what podcasts do you listen to?

Good question. In my reality I listen to Mixamax, Got Dirt? And the Ernest P Blingameyer Mint Chandalier Variety Hour and Salon of Doom show.

In your reality, Reckless Peril with Berny Clarke is fun, when it broadcasts Naked City Atlanta and Write Club Atlanta...I also liken to Welcome to Nightvale, This American Life and Serial. Those guys on How Stuff Works are a blast.

Q: What do you like to read?

Well, obviously anything by TC, Emmit Other, or Redwin Tursor.  Or myself :D

But I also like Fiona Skye and Jack Babylon.  Jim Butcher, Terry Patchet, Niel Gaimon, Roger Zelzazny and I even like Martin but let me tell you as a fictional character that guy terrifies me.  Neil Stephson is pretty amazing too.

Q: If you could visit anywhere you wanted, where would you go?

Places in both realities that I'd love to visit includes France, London, Japan, Egypt (if it were safe), Peru and Argentina.  Some fictional places include Psuedo Texas, Metropolis, The Library of Alexandria preserved, Amber, and maybe Diagonally.  Bravos might be fun for TC but I'd be too afraid of being killed.

Q: What do you plan to write?

Well, I think I have an idea about some of the  fairy tales in Miami that might be interesting, and then beyond that TC story idea list is pretty  impressive, so I'll be looking at the best of those but of course with  my own twist.

Q: If you could have any super power, what would it be?

TC's answer was more conventional; Wish Granting or Teleportation.  Me? I'd choose super kindness.  The world needs so much more of it. I'm not  sure how it would work, but I'm flexible.

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