Tuesday, July 7, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 1

Unfood by Tom Drake Dramatis Personae Freight Kasniket – He is an overly ambitious starship captain willing to cut some corners to make a quick buck so he can retire. He is very loyal to his crew, but he is willing to gamble with their lives to risk it all by smuggling one last big score. The Blob - Petty, Stupid, Fat. He has more money than God and less idea what to do with it. He has little to nothing to live for except his money and his various excessive ways to display it. He is everything that Freight isn’t...unambitious in every way. Without his weight, he will be even more lost. He is desperate for any edge he can give himself to keep it, and so is willing to pay to keep it. Whatever it takes. Also a bit somewhat accident prone. Kendra Sunmire – Navigator for the Margaret and First mate. She plays the straight man to the awesome trio, and is also somewhat responsible. But she also doesn’t put up with bullshit on their parts. She is often the Cassandra of the group where her warning are unheeded or ignored. On better days that means she’s there to post bail for them in the morning. On worst days, it means that Freight helps to ruin her life. Aaron Bilay – The ultimate stoner and also a kind gregarious fellow. He’s funny and he knows it. However there is the sensitive soul of a poet underneath the snarky exterior. Too much hardship will destroy him. Bob – He is the second maintenance robot in the Fatship. He knows how to find things and knows how to make his mission shine. Bob doesn’t talk but sometimes you can still swear he’s saying something by the way he clicks. Gerald Danes - A spokesman hired by the Confederation to do an industrial video about how the laws regarding health care are going to change for the sector. He is charismatic and charming. The Judge - A member of the confederation and a genetically modified human. He is very large and intimidating but speaks with a very gentle voice. He is calm and rational despite the fact that he looks like he could crush anyone before him like an insect. Ship’s Computer - The Fatship’s computer isn’t really intelligent. But it does a very good job of pretending like it is. It is extremely friendly because it has to be. Friendliness and customer service are mandatory citizen. Warrior - A confed warrior who serves as bailiff to the judge.

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