Wednesday, August 19, 2015

[Fairy Tale] Elowyn Wisp - 2

You can learn of the rules here.  I felt this story deserved a title at this point.  None of the members of the group suggested a continuance, so I moved it forward.  A second story will occur on Fridays starting this week or next.

"Thank you!" said the Mother Wren as it sung a hymn to the sky of the purest dulcet tones, pleated with gratitude for the lives of her babies.  She sang so long and so sweetly that for a time the man forgot his cares and wept at the beauty of it all, but when she was done, the Wren asked,"What brings a fine strong human like you to these woods?"

"I am seeking my daughter." He asked hopefully.  "She is a small human girl with beautiful black hair and eyes as the sea at storm.  I have misplaced her."

The Wren larked sadly, a soulful cry, and replied,"Alas good sir, I have seen no human girl!"

"I shall never see Elowyn again..." he sighed, resuming his search though his heart was not in it.

"Elowyn?" the Wren asked hopefully.

"Yes.  That is the name of my daughter."  His cap came off his head and by his grasp lay in his hand.  "Have you seen her?"

"I have, but I saw no human by that name, only Elowyn Wisp, daughter of the Garland."  The Wren was confused.

Not being the brightest man, he did not ask questions but jumped up and askance,"She was here!" He beamed and jumped, "She was here!"

"She was, not more than half the day passed!"

"Which way?" He looked east and west, then up again at Mother Wren.

"That which way the sun flows!" She sang and pointed with her wing.

And off the Man went after Elowyn, but deep the sun set and dark the moon rose in the silver hue of the starry night and no sign nor hint of Wisp there were. But not passing to sleep, through thicket and wild bramble the man pressed on, never giving up hope. For three days and three nights he did this till at last a curious noise he heard aways forward.

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