Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 13

CONTINUED: 13. GERALD (cont’d) most experienced cheaters. There will be absolutely no way for you to sneak food on board. Wide shot of Gerald again pandering to the camera on the desk. GERALD The confederation will get you. Count on it! ACT 1 SCENE 4 EXTERIOR – PARK - DAY The BLOB is grossly overweight wearing an extremely fine and intricately woven robe. He is meeting with Freight who is dressed very disheveled. Freight is riddled with guilt. FREIGHT This sounds too good to be true. BLOB Can you afford not to? My sources are pretty damn good. FREIGHT No, I can’t afford not to. But that doesn’t mean that this is too good to be true. BLOB My loss is your gain. FREIGHT You say that, but tell that to my crew. BLOB Ah yes, your crew. I’d heard about that. Terrible tragedy really. FREIGHT Shut up. BLOB I can go if you want. Freight doesn’t say anything, but just sulks. He rolls up a cigarette. He lights it, takes a puff. A short while later they hear sirens in the background and curses. He puts it out. (CONTINUED)

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