Thursday, August 27, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 16

16. There is a collective groan from the crew on the ship and the Blob is absolutely horrified. A large group of guards show up at the door and begin escorting passengers to escape pods which are then ejected from the ship. ACT 1 SCENE 6 SCENE EXTERIOR – OUTSIDE OF THE MARGARET APPROACHING THE FATSHIP – NIGHT The Margaret has a large sheet of tin foil draped in front of it. It is obviously jury rigged and tied on. It approaches the Fat ship. SCENE INTERIOR – RADAR SCREEN – NIGHT The Fat ship’s radar does not show the Margaret. SCENE INTERIOR – HALL OF THE FAT SHIP – DAY Freight opens a door onto an empty ship. He accidentally drops a wrench and cringes at the noise. There is no sound. He scratches his chin. FREIGHT (WHISPERING) Hello? There is no sound. FREIGHT (LOUDER) HELLO? Still no sound comes. FREIGHT (YELLING) HELLO? ECHO OF FREIGHT Freight is fairly nervous. He wanders and sees nothing but empty quarters. He finds the Blob’s quarters and drops the candy bar as he has agreed to do. He gulps. FREIGHT (NERVOUSLY) Hello?

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