Monday, October 12, 2015

My expidition to Lint Land

So my name is Glerda Dofamaton.  I am administrative assistant ...I am sorry "executive assistant" (with the same pay) to E.P. Blingermeter, who Rhombus has arranged to take over the dead guy/not dead guy's writing blog, but Mr. Blingermeyer is on an expidition involving talking ponies of pastel colors.  So before Rhombus could get Emmit Other or Redwin Tursor, EP said I should just slap something together.

Please note I am not getting paid for this and to me you are fictional so I really don't care about your opinion.   In fact,  when Rhombus explained the whole concept to me I found the idea offensive.   I am real.  You are just shadows on some ghost bridge and really who cares about "stories" anyway.

And Rhombus didn't say what this had to be about so I am writing about this.

....Apparently I have to include some kind of content.  Whatever that means. I am not a writer. 

E.P.'s first expedition was to the place where all the things missing in the dryer go.  Please note,  they dont actually go there.  People just believe they do.  Well, while there were some socks, it was mainly just a lot of lint. Some of the artidacts recovered were worth some money but not many.

What upset me so much was the fact that all if Mr Blingermeyers clothing was covered in cakes of pernicious supernatural lint.  It took six trips to the dry cleaner.

And who do you think had to take care of that? Exactly.

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