Thursday, October 15, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 30

CONTINUED: 30. BOB (Clicks) FREIGHT That’s not food Bob. BOB (Clicks twice) FREIGHT What? BOB (Clicks) FREIGHT I...(beat) Freight types into the computer a few moments. FREIGHT Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch. Bob doesn’t say anything. FREIGHT I’ll be right down. Oh and Bob? Bob perks up a moment but doesn’t say anything. FREIGHT I apologize. BOB (Clicks amiably) Freight gets up and leaves. INT – CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS – DAY Freight walks in and sees Bob at the chair. He appraises the chair up and down. FREIGHT God damn it Bob, this is the mother load. I owe you a can of oil! BOB (Clicks once happily) (CONTINUED)

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