Tuesday, October 20, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 31

CONTINUED: 31. Freight tries to break the chair with his hands. He is utterly unsuccessful. He blinks and sighs. FREIGHT Back in a second. Freight returns with an axe and heaves it above his head but doesn’t make even a dent in the thing in the slightest. He tries again and drops the axe as he does so. He grunts and picks up the axe a third time and lets into it, only not making any impact at all. Freight stares at Bob. FREIGHT Right. So are you going to help or what? BOB (Clicks happily and begins to saw away at the chair with a saw attachment that comes from inside his bowels) SHOT: INT – CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS – DAY The chair is reduced to splinters. SHOT: INT – MESS – DAY Bob watches while Freight puts the chopped up chair into the creator. Freight gets a splinter in his hand and swears. The creator makes a Souffle. SHOT: INT – MED BAY Freight eats the souffle with one hand whilst the med bay treats and bandages the other. He gives a thumb’s up to Bob. SCENE 10 - INT - BRIDGE - DAY Freight is peering at the ship, trying to figure various elements out. He flips various switches on the bridge control at random trying to figure things out. Occasionally the ship says: (CONTINUED) CONTINUED:

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