Thursday, November 26, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 42

CONTINUED: 42. TECH 1 Well...I mean... TECH 2 Maybe one of the inmates played some kind of a practical joke. LEADER Maybe. (beat) Maybe. LEADER Wow, what a mess. The team breaks out shovels and a body bag. TECH 1 Shame too. Guy was clever, doing that with the sensors, especially on this ship. TECH 2 Yeah. Well, not quite clever enough. LEADER Alright, we done here? TECH 1 Just about. TECH 2 Wow. If I’m reading this right, he nearly made it. Just two more hours and we coulda saved him. LEADER Well, you know what they say, life’s a bitch. All three laugh and put the body onto a cart. They then proceed to leave. SCENE – AIRLOCK – INT – DAY The three of them go through the air lock. Bob follows.

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