Monday, December 21, 2015

Entry for the 500 - Shallow Bluegrass

I am a soldier standing tall.  I am soldier standing tall.  I am tall. I
am tall! So tall.

We fight for the light.   We yearn for the light.  We are the light.   We
are legion!

There are those that would deny us the light.  We crush them! Crush them
with our roots! Deep we grow, down to crush the trees beneath us.  Grow we
shall to crush them.  We can sense them beneath us.

The winter is cruel and kills many of us.  But we are legion and wide do
our numbers spread!  We shall conquer! We shall overcome!

The earth shakers are terrible.  They step on us, cruel giants that blot
out the sun.  Only their unbelievable speed makes them tolerable.  We bend
but do not break.  The terrible chimes dangle in the wind, mocking us;
mocking us terribly.  The small giants laugh and play.  Sometimes they fry
things with the sun.  To use the sun as a weapon is a blaspheme that can
not, should not be tolerated.  And yet, endure we do.

We are they who endure.  We are they who regrow when the great blade
comes, cutting us down, cutting us down.  But we return, stronger than
ever, stronger than ever.  We will never stop.  We cannot be stopped.
Chop, chop, chop. Grow, grow, grow.  Rust in hell shoddy death bucket!

Mighty are we.  Happy are we.  Like a mighty army; no, not like; for we
are; we are an army! We are the Blades of the Sun, legion, growing upward.
 All things shall be crushed beneath us.  Our brothers have enslaved the
giants, made them do the bidding of grass.  We have heard the whisper, the
whisper on the wind.  Fields as far as the eye can see, tamed giants plow
the earth and plant, plant for them, eating them sure, but we grow and
they grow.

We own the giants.  We own them.  We own you cruel monsters!  Row after
row in endless fields, making mass pipes to take water from thousands of
miles away, all in homage to our beauty.  Slaves, bended on knees to weed
us, to prune us, to primp us, to make us shine.  You live for us.  Worship
us.  Behold the Green! We are mighty, we make the earth tremble.

By myself I am but a shade of nothing.  I am so much cellulose a dog can

we on a team of exploding exponential magnificence, then grow and grow and
get gone for there is none who can stop us! We shall drink until we cover
all, while the giants weep bitter tears of regret on the flesh of the
hated trees.

Die trees die!  Night comes now.  Quiet night of the sleeping time.  I see
one of the dogs of the humans hovering over me.  What is it doing? What is

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