Tuesday, December 15, 2015

[Script] Legacy of Hope - Page 3

Scene: Dozens of people, clearly confused and mentally ill are being given some money, a bus ticket and directions to the nearest bus station.  They begin to wander out of the station doing various crazy things and acting clearly confused.

Scene: An orderly approaches a door, looking nervous.  He slides open an eye hole and looks inside.  A pair of angry looking eyes is looking right back at him.

Scene: Two more orderlies come up.

Orderly One: Why the hell didn't you give her her medication?

Orderly Two: None of them get medication.

Orderly One: I thought we were keeping the criminally insane ones?

Orderly Two: She isn't...

Orderly One: What?

All three orderly look nervously at the door.  They play rock paper scissors.  Orderly one loses.

Orderly One

Orderly One opens the door.

A fist grabs Orderly One.

Orderly One: Not the face not the face non the face!

Orderly Two: You can go! You can go! You're free to go.

A fist grabs Orderly one and another grabs Orderly Two, lifting them up into the air.

Orderly Two gives her the money and the tickets and she throws them against the wall.

Orderly Three just cringes.

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