Tuesday, December 1, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 43

43. SCENE – EXT – SHIP – SPACE The tech’s ship departs. SCENE – DAY – SHIT WORLD – SHACK – EX Aaron collapses from exhaustion. KENDRA Aaron! She picks him up and takes him into the shack. SCENE – DAY – SHACK – INT Kendra lays Aaron on the table. She goes over to the comm unit and enters a code. GOVERNOR Yes? KENDRA Aaron is sick. He needs help. Quick. GOVERNOR It’ll cost you. A lot. KENDRA (beat) How much? GOVERNOR Well for top of the line evac, plus medical treatment, we’re talking about more than you make in a year. A lot more. KENDRA How much. GOVERNOR Ten years. At least. KENDRA Let him....let him...(beat) Fine. I’ll pay. GOVERNOR Excellent. I’ll send them right away. Oh. Wait. What’s this?

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