Tuesday, January 12, 2016

[Heliotrope] Tiny Skeleton

The Ogre of the Northtrope bridge was so feirce that by and large everyone paid his toll.  The few that didn't ran away.  Northtrope was so remote, that serious knights or military forces never really felt it worth the trouble to dislodge him.  Aside from his unusual size or peculiar taste for porceline, there is little interesting to be said about him, except for the small skeleton he had glued to his club.

This skeleton was never dislodged until fifty years after the Ogre was finally found to have died from natural causes.  At first, folks thought it might be a small Goblin or Elf, but a closer examination found it to be a tiny human.  Magical dating placed the figure squarely in the time of legends, and more magic still revealed it to be none other than the near mythical Thumbalina herself.

None is sure how this queen had her still unknown grave exumed, perhaps the brute found it or simply came upon it after the fact.  What is known is that the skeleton is hers and is resting in an unmarked grave in Vine City to protect her identity.  Many wizards have already tried to find it; fortunately to no avail.   It is for the best since by all accounts she is one of the few mythic figures who does not have a dark mirror that hints that all the great tales might not be true.  She lived her life with nobility and grace given the circumstances that she had.

As for the ogre, his bones still lay where they rested next to the bridge he loved.

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