Tuesday, February 2, 2016

[Script] Revolution Number Eight - Page 4

Agent Chwech
Well, I'll leave you lot to it then.

He leaves.

Agent Chwech walks down a long white hall.  There is a white table.  The decorations are white or at least light in color.  The door is black with a black doornob.

He reaches for the doornob.

Closeup of the doornob as his hand turns it.

Esme Euphrasia sits behind a classic desk, with a literal 'in' box full of paper work on one side, and an 'out' box on the other side.  Both are filled with papers.  Every few seconds, she picks up a piece of paper and stamps it with one of five or six stamps and an inkwell. She never looks at the papers, but the motion is deliberate.  As the camera angle moves about the room, from time to time, a pair of hands in black sleeves put a new pile of paper in the in box and take some of the papers in the old box. The hands are the only thing that is seen, never the body and at most a black sleeved or clad arm.  Faint smoke wafts in the room though Esme is never seen smoking.

Agent Chwech
They're doing quite well.

Director Euphrasia
Bollocks.  They doing nothing of the sort.

Agent Chwech
Do you think they're stalling?

Director Euphrasia
I think so.  Can't prove it, and them being them we can't just make em disappear.  They keep doing well enough that I can't just sack them and find another more plaint group.

Agent Chwech
And pliance is important is it?

Director Euphrasia
Watch your tone with me.  I don't care how bright a star you think you are.   This is the most important thing we've done in twenty years.

Agent Chwech
It's alien contact.  More like the history of the species.

Director Euphrasia
There is a war on.  There is more at stake here than just a bunch of nonsense from flying saucers.

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