Monday, March 7, 2016

My Existence: According to Mark Zuckerberg I don't exist

Facebook Inc has decided that it does not like the fact that I am fictional.

Really? I have feelings.  I have friends (in two worlds even.) I have a job, a birthday, hobbies and several people would swear to the fact that I am real.

TC, before ending his career in writing, wrote about Corporations in Forever West.  In the world of Liberty Curving, a corporation must be made up of ACTUAL people to be a fake person.  The legal fiction of the corporate shield is also due to a lie told by the clerk of the supreme court but all subsequent courts have proceeded to maintain the lie, especially the idea that corporations have free speech.

The jokes that Earth people tell then about "We the people" not "We the corporations" are in fact also lies, since people in the United States are now on par with corporations.  Which is of course why people are not liable for their actions, nor are they to be prosecuted under the most extreme of circumstances.

Which is a lie.

The value of Facebook is perceived because of the value of its brand.  Which is a lie.  Look at what happened to Myspace.  In Terra, we have Google Awesome, which is better than anything you have.  Mark Zuckerberg was disowned by the public once it was found that facebook was just a way he could stalk that girl? What, you say the social network was a fictionalized account? Well it FELT true, didn't it?

Tell me, how do you FEEL about the lie that is facebook?

You use it because your friends do.  It's a lie.  And many if not most of you would go somewhere else if your friends were all there, so its really just this inertia based on the clever little lie that these people on there are really your friends.  Tell me, how many of them will contact you if you aren't on facebook?

Not many.

Which means that calling them friends is a lie.

And you know that it is, deep down.  And who really likes the arbitrary arrogant changes that they make at the drop of a hat.  But you put up with it because you don't want to be alone.  You know it is a lie, but who cares? It feels good.

But perhaps you find it just a little bit...annoying that they hold you ransom, that empty hollow feeling you get when no one responds to your posts because facebook knows more than you do what you want to see.  Your control of what you see is a lie.

So if the subjective truth matters, then I am more real than facebook.  The only 'lie' about me is that I have no evidence to prove my existance beyond the word of TC, and that's just one lie, and a small one at that since I'm not pretending to be in or from your reality (unlike EP Blingermeyer (what in the hell IS he up to with the remnants of the podcast anyway?)).  I am as honest as any fictional but real character can be.

So who really doesn't exist? My words will last a thousand years.  Maybe more (I'm not saying anyone will read them, but they'll be around.)

The  hollow empty halls of Facebook?  Oh maybe.  But people will definitely know it for a lie.

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