Friday, March 18, 2016

[Writer Stuff] Seeking at Atlanta in the Magic City

I sit at the Cafe del Theatro outside of the Olympia Theater here in Miami, and I am forced to realize that Miami isn't Atlanta.


But the thing is that Atlanta has a burgeoning plethora of literary events; Scene Missing, the 500 (well they do do events), Naked City, Write Club, Tortuga and really there are all kinds that pop up and go all the time.  Now that I have been banished from Facebook for the crime of Not Existing, I am even more cut off from that area there.  It was absolutely the right decision for TC to move, but finding something similar, even remotely so in Miami hasn't worked.  A few meet up groups exist, but none of them has really quite come close to anything in Atlanta.

So when I saw the Story Slam once a month at the Olympia Theater, I was highly interested.  But now that I'm here I realize its for the Moth podcast.  Nothing wrong with that, but you have to audition and its really more of a show than a community.  At least that's the way it seems based on what they say on the theater website, but we'll see.

Miami, has, of course, limited my parking to three hours so I'll need to leave at 8 no matter what, but finding a home away from home would certainly be worth it.  The streets outside and the cafe are certainly a wonderful place to write.  But having peers and an audience would be nice.  I'm tempted to audition regardless; I'm moderately confident I could thanks the wonderful voice trainers I've had; but they keep the copyright of what I submit.

That doesn't make me inclined to give them my best stuff.  But we'll see what we shall see.  If I have to create something from scratch; then that's what I'll do.

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