Monday, May 16, 2016

[Naked City Atlanta - Glory] Brandy Is Real

Everything is better in Terra.  I know that sounds like a mere pipe dream but you have to understand that I've spent quite a bit of time in your world helping TC write the crap that he produces and slowly building my own reputation in my world.  I know the difference between my world and yours; and sure, there are a lot of things you have that we don't, but thanks to being part of a story instead of just telling them and thinking about other worlds, we've had some key moments that keep us from being total dumbasses.

I mean, for example, we elected President Hamburger; total dumbass, totally corrupt, total chimp of a human being.  But he wasn't Bush.

And Trump?

I'm laughing at the superior story world.  Seriously.  I mean what the hell were you people thinking? Sure, not all of you support him, in fact most of you don't but you all know hipster douches who think they're above politics or both sides are the same.  Seriously? I mean, if you can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats, you can't tell the difference between Creme brule and Dog shit.

Oh, I know.  Its not my world and I shouldn't interfere.  Look, we have the Whigs and the Progressives.  Whigs still lie like rugs, and are isolationist fruitloops but they acknowledge man made climate change.  In fact we put up a solar shade to help regulate climate change ten years ago.  Carbon cap and trade? Done.  We're not as high tech as you in some areas but...whatever.

This was not meant to turn into a rant; it is just so quirky to me how much of a link there is between our worlds.  For example, that song about Brandy being a fine wife but not marrying the dumbass who was married to the sea?

Not so much a dumbass in a world of fairies and vampires and magic.  That sailor's name was Plank Deadleton; and Brandy is a real person.  I met her when I went up to Vermont on a research expidition for Blingermeyer back in the day.   Plank really had married the sea.  Well, he married a Nereid who was an actual daughter of Neptune so practically same difference.  So, first of all, by all accounts they really loved each other, but at the same time, have you ever dealt with an angry Nereid? Psycho bitches from hell they are, just one step removed from Harpies which only a fool fucks with.

But Plank did want Brandy.  They had a single tryst, and you remember that line from the song, "The Sea in all her Raging Glory"?  Glory is his daughter.  So when the Nereid came one day when the little girl was 10 to try and have a Reckoning, Glory caused the pipes in the bar to burst as she summoned all the water in a one mile radius and spat that bitch back into the sea.

Glory is not someone you want to fuck with.

Last I checked, Glory is 25 years old, and involved in some secret government spook squad helping to keep fairies and the old powers in check, but she works for them because she wants to, not because she has been black mailed like so many others who work for them.  If they knew about me, I'd probably be shanghaid at some point. Astral projection is a highly valuable skill.

Anyway, until later.

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