Monday, June 6, 2016

[Naked City] Eternity - We have not always been here[

We Have Not Always Been Here
          by Emmit Other

There has always been a here
Though we have not always been in it
But the difference between the then
And the now
Those are things that pass so many generations
Since we began tracking the stars that shine on clear nights
That it seems like
We no not have numbers for how long it has been
Only that it has been many hundred hundred
It might even be hundreds of hundreds of hundreds
The stars have changed
This is the eternity
And we sing our songs of the deep
And we swim
Our blood warm against the tide
We are not that which we eat
We laugh
And share songs with the Ancient ones
And then you came
We find you hilarious
Moving hither and yon in your little rafts
At least we did
Sure you killed some of us
But we knew you were stupid
So we helped you anyway
When you were drowning
When you were dying
Against the sharks
Against the sea
But the wood became larger and larger
In the blink of an eye they were metal
And then the noise
The horrorific noise
It wouldn't stop
Soon the ancient ones began killing themselves
Just to escape it
The toxic acid was bad enough
But the noise never stops
It will never stop
Until you are gone
We are eternal
And we are pretty sure you are not
And we find that sadly
But joyously

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