Friday, July 8, 2016

[Writer Stuff] I suck

I have been told this by friends, family, and professionals I paid good money to to tell me I suck.

A small handful tell me I am good.  Though my raw writing is regarded with the praise of raw sewage.  Indeed, in some cases, they might want to swim in raw sewage rather than read my writing.

I am someone who draws their creative energy from others and from joy.  An extrovert and someone who is inspired when happy is a terrible combination for either prolificness or quality of writing.  I've had a lot of abuse heaped on me which lends some gravitas to my work sometimes, and the weirdness that makes it unique is also fun.

But I appreciate my artistic friends to kind to say I suck but who nevertheless recognize my need to express myself creatively just like anyone else; because it is a need.  I might suck, but you know what sucks more?

Being a Muggle.

I've seen what happens when someone lets their creativity die.  They become not just a Muggle but Small.  And I am many things, but I will never be Small.

But there is little joy in my life at the moment and I am feeling rather existentially lonely.

The writing will return in time.

The script can die in a fire though.


  1. Which script again? Some pretty great artists (visual artists, writers, actors, etc.) have been told they "suck". I don't pretend to "greatness", but I'm at least competent enough and have been told, in rehearsal, in front of other performers that I have "no talent".

    That kind of criticism is irrelevant (as opposed to criticism which actually helps one improve). Artists create because they get something out of the creative process. Sometimes sharing it with others is gratifying, sometimes not. But you do it because you have to, not because someone else gives you permission, and you don't stop because someone else denies you permission.

    Keep on keepin' on, my awesome son! *hugs*

  2. The Trial of Nick Spencer....Nick Spencer is fun to make fun of but not worth a waste of my creative energy.

    You are fantastic and have had more people who tell you you have no talent tell you you are great. As they should. :D

    And yes, Artists create because they get something out of the process; I do. I technically don't HAVE to, I just have a choice between being a sucky writer or being a sucky human being. :D

    Thanks anyway regardless :D


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