Monday, August 22, 2016

On the patheticness of Gamergate

So if you follow my twitter account, you might see that I am particularly harsh towards a group of fools called Gamergate.  Gamergate claims that they have the moral high ground and is about journalistic ethics in gaming medium.

So if you were about journalistic ethics and gaming journals were corrupt, what kind of behavior might you expect to see?

Well, first you would expect a creative solution.  Like something to actually SOLVE the problem, not just whine about it.  And I think it is safe to say that the moment your movement is more about 'catalogging' all the grievances against you than actually solving the problem, its a pretty good indicator that you aren't interested in the ethics of anything.

So many of these people claim to be 'liberal' or 'progressive' or 'I'm a libertarian' but they all ACT conservative, both embracing racist and sexist humor, dancing with delight at anything that goes against 'Social Justice Warriors' or really anything that is remotely progressive.

They are, in short a socially conservative movement made up of grognards who do not like the fact that the world has Moved On, in the truest sense of the Gunslinger books by Steven King.  These knuckle dragging regressive trolls are slathering in their own juices.

But why should I care? I don't.  Not really.  But I hate liars.  I really do and while I don't claim perfection, is and has been a particularly hated bit of conservative trash for quite some time because of the Acorn buillshit they got away with and were never criminally prosecuted for.  FRAUD is profiting by lying and it is now proven in courts of law that they lied and yet no one has prosecuted any of them except the pimpin pimp liars.  Meanwhile Gamergate tries and tries to deny its links to these assholes.

So do I enjoy mocking these turds? You bet.

What does this have to do with writing? Well, I've put them in the Book of Heliotropic fairy tales but honestly I think an entire anthology of Gamergate slashfic would be hilarious.  Gamergaters writing angry slashfic against folks only to fall victim (in fiction) of their darkest most intolerant little dark desires.

I'll keep you posted :D

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