Friday, September 16, 2016

In the Near Now


*I am writing my seventh novel "Fruitloop and Frankenstein" for NaNoWrMo this November.  It is the completion of my MOST important remaining bucket list goal and will turn this year into a personal success from my perspective.

*Spiders in the Sugar Factory has been laid out with AMAZING art from the amazing Lennie Gray Morries of Lenspeace.  Cover needs to be done and a few other details, but it will be available by the end of the year.  Emmit Other will be very happy.  He might even write a poem about it.  There is consideration of maybe also doing a limited edition print run try on Kick Starter instead of just Print on Demand at Createspace.  We'll see.

I *SUCK* at selling stuff.

*Fruitloop and Frankenstein are going to be incorporated into a demi anthology that I'm likely to ask a few friends to contribute to; omnibused in the Heliotropic Book of Fairy Tales and MAYBE with a story about Grenademan in addition.  Novella? Novel? Novelette? Grenademan in Candyland has been asking to be rewritten and modernized for a while.

*Kelly Higgs Glenn, my nominal Assistant Author/Factotum is slowly going through my backlog and helping me edit and determine which short stories are worthy of submission vs the Rubbish bin.

Interesting times.

*This blog isn't about rpg stuff, but re: Red Anvil Productions Cassie Carnage is doing a fantastic job resurrecting the long dead (all dead not mostly dead) T7 project a bit at a time.

*Helping my good pall Jay Welin on his baby "Sentinel Chronicles" and for my script stuff until the end of the year will produce updates, anecdotes and maybe some actual scripts.  Jay does most of the story but I help with Dialog and act as a sounding board for his ideas.

That's all the news fit to print for now-

Oh.  I might do a craptacular non sound edited podcast this weekend.  Expect it to be EP Blingermeyered so you probably won't want to listening for a while, though I am going to try and get on Audible and Google.  We'll see if I can do that with the crap equipment that I have.

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