Tuesday, October 11, 2016

[Script] Sentinel Chronicles - November Project - Act 1 - Scene 3

Scene: Admiral Dweebnar and Captain Andrew stand over a briefing room table.

Admiral Dweebnar: Good news Captain, you won't be flying a sortie against the Roids today.

Captain Andrew: That is good news.  Commander Medley will be very happy.  So what are we doing?

Admiral Dweebnar: Oubliette base is running short of vital supplies.  You are to make a run up there and delivery them; then return.

Captain Andrew: Um...sir, no offense but...this sounds like a milk run.  Why not have a drone or a Junior pilot do it?

Admiral Dweebnar: I would give you bullshit about R&R but we both know that's not something we can afford with our losses so I'll get straight to the point.  There's a renegade human out there called Bregsaw.  He's killing our people and robbing them.  A bandit pure and simple.

Captain Andrew: So he is real?

Admiral Dweebnar: Very.  And we can't afford a fighter escort; so you will need to dodge his fire both ways.  Can you do that?

Captain Andrew (saluting) Aye sir.

Admiral Dweebnar: God speed Captain.  This is an important one.

Captain Andrew: Don't worry sir.  I won't let you down.

Amidral Dweebnar (nodding): Dismissed.

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