Thursday, October 20, 2016

[Script] Sentinel Chronicles - November Project - Act 2 - Scene 1

Scene: Andrew wakes up and bruised and bloody but alive.  He pats down all his limbs and checks to make sure nothing is broken quickly.

Captain Andrew: Medley? Curt?  (beat) Commander?!

There is nothing but silence as he struggles to undo the strap and finally does.  He looks around.

He checks several switches and nothing works.  He turns on the emergency transponder.

Larger Graphic: A Transponder activates.

Voice Over: This is control, is anyone alive?

Andrew: I...I am. (beat) Commander Medley didn't make it.

Control: (Voice Over): Sit tight.  We have an advanced recon crew in the area.  They are on their way.  Secure yourself.  Is the cargo intact?

Andrew moves to the back.

Andrew: Yes.  Yes it is.

Control (Voice Over): Make sure the cargo goes with you.  Over

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