Tuesday, November 22, 2016

[Script] Sentinel Chronicles - November Project - Act 3 - Scene 1

Scene: Tank - Interior - The crew is trying to figure out what to do.

Ltn Lyons: We need to get out of here or we're dead.  Gunny, can you get the spare tred lined?

Gunny: Yeah but not when they're shooting at us.

Andrew: I'll lay down on the ground and lay cover fire.  Lyons, if you can shoot the machine gun and Cotter can shoot the sub machine gun from the hole.

Cotter: I can do that.

Scene: Exterior - Tank Andrew leaps out dodging bullet fire and begins laying cover fire.

Scene: Tank - Interior - Cotter and Lyons begin laying fire.  Gunny leaps out.

Scene: Tank - Exterior - Guns fly back and forth while Gunny welds the treads back on.

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