Monday, January 16, 2017

State of Terra

Greetings blog fans, this is my first post using the new Dragon anywhere software. Seems to be working pretty well. The neat thing about it is that since it's over the Internet long as you have a relay between worlds it allows you to use it even on terra firma.

Things are not going well here either. Our new president, Jeffrey P polyester, was a bit of ringer. We thought we were getting another safe highly bland candidate, when in fact we have our own version of, "Donald Trump". The only differences this one seems a lot more charismatic and intelligent than yours. Needless to say that I have not renewed my lease in Miami and am returning to my former home, family domicile, in swamp in Louisiana.

There had been talked for a while about getting a group of us together and maybe helping you guys out using EP's method of traveling between worlds… As it is we have our own problems. So it looks like we're on this boat together. 

Well maybe not quite the same boat, since President Polyester carefully used his nuclear power company to carefully and stealthily distribute toxic waste all over America, particularly in the Midwest and old Confederate South… Thus leading to two or three generations brain damage, I'm afraid that you can't say the same thing on earth. But in your defense, your people don't fall for some the things that are still like look over there or your shoes or untied…

So it looks like it's gonna be long for more likely eight years… And we here at Terra look forward to working with you. I can't guarantee that will be able to be of much help, but at least we'll be able to entertain you.

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