Monday, July 31, 2017

Hitler Luck

There are some beings that have more luck than they ought.  You can slice it any way you like; the guy who survives getting hit by lighting 27 times, the guy who wins the mega lottery six times, the guy who survives a fall from 10,000 feet.  But from time to time, there is a kind of luck that allows someone with a surprising collection of bad ideas to be able to say exactly the right kind of thing in the worst kind of way.  There are a number of people like this in history; Rasputin and Hitler come to mind.  But there are many others.

The important thing to understand about Hitler Luck is that it isn't magic; it's a purely Earther phenomena, and it manifests itself in the reverse of the way that Earthers are able to collapse lower probability quantum wave forms.  This sophism can be positive in certain people who change the world; people who believe so much that they can succeed that they prove everyone else around them, but even then, they have a sense of other, of empathy that allows them to believe that others are real human beings and as such they can be affected by the luck of others or memetics no matter how strong their will.

Some people are so wrapped up in themselves, that they become a legend in their own mind.  That's  why they have mirrors on Terra; we had a Hitler and a Rasputin because the stories of yours changed our by magic.  Not the same story; Terran Hitler got punched a lot, but he was just as indestructible due to magic, not luck.

How many times did people try to kill Hitler? A lot.  And not one of them succeeded.  The people around him were not so indestructible, which is why the Allies were able to win WWII.  The key to defeating Hitler Luck isn't violence.  You can never kill someone so able to adjust probability to match their expectations; you collapse it by making them do it themselves.  There are a lot of ways to do this; taking their toys or sufficient defeat.  But a tried and true way is humiliation, humor and sarcasm.

If you mock someone bestowed with Hitler Luck sufficiently, you can get them to become their own worst enemy.  They can go to their own bunker and take care of the misery they inflict on everyone else themselves, but the key is, you have to be relentless.  Some well meaning, but idiotic fools will chide you for being 'mean' or 'not sufficiently both sided' but don't relent, not even for a moment.  Someone with Hitler Luck could destroy the world, your country, hell, not just your world, all the worlds.  With out stories the universe would collapse and how can that happen without new stories in the font of all stories?

So mock on citizens of Earth, mock on.

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