Monday, September 4, 2017

There was a Human Statue Sculpture of The Muse

In Bronze and as we walked by and dropped a dollar in her box she gave us a slip of paper that said

"At the end of day, we can endure much more than we think."

This might have been the end of Terra, Mana and Gaia, of Lasers Against the Darklord, The Boy w The dragon taboo...

But Heir of Sunfire is written and just need polish.  That work will not be wasted.

Fruitloop and Frankenstein is the seventh novel, a life goal to be written this November.

Mommeries needs at least 20 more hours to record and put in the podcast.

So a second shard of TC "died" and he lets some other guy, Rhombus (and Emmit) fail and keep writing while he moves on with his life.


And Aloha.

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