Thursday, March 22, 2018

[Script] Dog Mirror Leaves Act 2 Page 1

Act II

Scene (Interior): Time has passed, there is a lot of money on the table.

First Poker Dog: So, what do you think about the existential nature of the universe?

Dog: I … um … er … (suddenly, anxiously starts licking his behind)

First Poker Dog: That’s not a bad idea.

Second Poker Dog: Is it licking my behind or your behind?

Third Poker Dog: Or licking my balls?

First Poker Dog: Not all of us have balls, how can that be the meaning of life?

Second Poker Dog: (beat) Not any more.

Dog: Drinking out of the toilet?

Deg: So do you guys actually play poker? I haven’t seen any real poker playing, just dogs posing and pretending to be playing poker. What’s actually going on here?

(Dog whips out a police dog badge)

First Poker Dog: Now you interrupted my speech about the difference between Aristotelian thought and the correlation to later ecclesiastical reforms with St Thomas Aquinas.

Second Poker Dog: Not the angels dancing on the head of a pin, again.

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