Tuesday, November 2, 2021

[Play] A Hand Grenade Loose in King Arthur’s Court A Play By Rhombus Ticks - Act 1, Scene 1

 Scene 1 

Order and Chaos stand opposite each other on stage.  When possible everything else should be cleared.

Order: Welcome Brother, another match on this, our favorite game board of Camelot.  I see that you have opened the portals to other worlds.  What randomness will you inflict on these poor folk this loop around? A spaceman? A Connecticut Yankee?  You have lost six times in a row to me.  Why not just give up?

Chaos: I love you, I hate you, I love you.  We are twins and yet could never be further apart.  These games of ours, they are how we prove each other the best.

Order: And yet...I keep proving that I am the better?

Chaos: Castles in Sand brother, castles in Sand.  You win the match but you lose the war; Camelot goes away.  

Order: outside of the scope of our match, what do I care for the inhabitants of this little mud ball?  Entropy is part of Order in the right context, it is the natural state of things in the fallen world.

Chaos: But it is here brother? In this realm of ideas where we play, this is the idea of Camelot, not just the mundane Earthly realm but the imprint of it upon every Other Earth.  Here, the stakes we play for echo throughout time.

Order: What is, is what is.  What must be is what must be.

Chaos: Are you so certain?  Wouldn’t you like for Camelot to finally be more than a blueprint for future societies but an island of order?

Order: What are you proposing?

Chaos: Let us up the stakes.  Let us play for more than the apex of the board, but its ultimate fate.

Order: Intriguing.  Let us see what this loop brings from your randomness, and mayhap I will consider it.

Chaos: Excellent, let the games begin.

Order: Let the games begin.

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