Thursday, November 4, 2021

[Play] A Hand Grenade Loose in King Arthur’s Court A Play By Rhombus Ticks Act 1 Scene 2

 Scene 2

Two Heralds, standing on different vertical levels, one above the other meet.   They are unable to touch but interact verbally.  

Herald One

Hark servant of Camelot, I see your vile colors still shine and thy banner stains the light.

Herald Two

Hark servant of Eastland, I see your foul mouth still pours forth vapors as the bog.

Herald One

Behold the assembled host of my master, six kingdoms harken to his banner, four thousand strong.

Herald Two

It is true that we are but two thousand, but behold the rabble at thy master’s feet, lickspittles, backbiting and quarrels infest thy number.  And Arthur is rightful king of all the Britons.  God is on our side.

Herald One

God is on the side of the latest armies.  We shall crush thy flotsam band.  Hark! See the first waves meet each other on the field.

Herald Two

What carnage! See the heads on lances on the valiant knights of Camelot!

Herald One

No less so that of Eastland! Now see the second wave sally forth.

Herald Two

(Winces) It is an ill omen.

Herald One 

(Laughs) You will rue the day!

Herald Two

What is this?  Merlin’s work assuredly, some portal opens up in the middle of the field.

Herald One

Your demon wormtounge will not save you.  God is on our side.

Herald Two

Your knights attack the newcomer, dressed in strange clothing and decorated in all manner of curious colors.  They will regret this.

Herald One

I find it highly unl….Great God! What is this?

Herald Two

Thunder in bottles and strange colors, slippery oils and noxious gasses that this alchemist from another world hues and cries on thy foul nights.  I told you Merlin would do us right.

Herald One

It’s...impossible.  So many explosions! LIke lightning called to earth on a cloudless sky.

Herald Two

Thou art in retreat!  Arthur wins the day!

Herald One

You will regret this.  We will win in the end.  (Leaves)

Herald Two

All hail this strange knight from afar! Welcome to Camelot stranger! Welcome Alchemist of wonder!

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