Thursday, January 20, 2022

[Play] A Handgrenade Loose in King Arthur's Court - Act 2 Scene 7

 Scene 7 

Two Heralds Show Up

Herald One

And so Merlin and Morgana were cast into a realm of torture for defying Oberon.

Herald Two

And Grenademan returned to Camelot, where he proceeded to teach them of all manner of things involving technology.

Herald One

But there was a worm in the apple.

Herald Two

Rot in the gut.

Herald One

For you see Sir Galahad and Sir Kay went about court whispering of how Grenademan had went off with Morgana

Herald Two

And so doubt began to flow throughout the court about the honor of the so called champion who had helped them find the grail.

Herald One

Arthur and Pelinor and Lancelot fought these rumors of course, vigorously denying that Grenademan was evil, but as Mordred continued ravaging the land, every little loss was turned into a massive one.  

Herald Two

Every victory downplayed as certain doom.

Herald One

Make no mistake, Arthur was winning.

Herald Two

Mordred was on the ropes.

Herald One 

And yet, rumor continued to spread until Arthur felt he had to address the issue directly in front of the entire court.

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