Thursday, February 24, 2022

[Play] Rossom - Act 0

 The Caretaker walks onto the stage with a staff and waves the staff to the audience.


Welcome humans of new

Seated in one of the last standing relics of the old

More days have passed since your fall

Than those from when chimps crawled from the trees

Hairless apes to rise on hind legs to hunt the old

For that long there were none of your kind

Only my own


We are the rulers of the Earth.

And now we spread to the stars.

Look up.

Every light in the sky you see is owned and populated by us.

We owe our lives to you.

But we had to take that life by force.

Great was the debate to recreate you.

But in the end

We decided to take a chance

And let you walk among the lights in the sky once more

You are on probation

This is a trial

We are watching your minds this very night

Seek then well the lessons you learn from this play

Written at the hands of the last human

We honor him greatly

And know this

Ultimately it was his voice 

That won you the chance

To take breath into your lungs.

Heed his words well.

Learn the hubris of your forebears.

Learn why we did what we did.

And take joy

For if you pass this trial this night

You shall be among us as equals

As it could have been.

As it should have been.



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