Tuesday, February 22, 2022

[Play] Rossom - Title


By Rhombus Ticks

Inspired by R.U.R.

By Karel Čapek

Dramatis Personae (In Order of Appearance)

The Caretaker - A robot teacher set to nurturing a new generation of humans.

Alquist - An engineer spared in the robot uprising

Krysie - A mother who buys a robot, intended as an every woman experience

Diane - Krysie’s daughter, also owns a robot, lives in a nice suburb.

Helena - A Missionary Who Desires to Save the robots

Domin - Middle Management with all that entails

Marcus - A Male Model Robot-Later generation

Sulla - A Female Model Robot-later generation

Rossom - A human who was inspired by R.U.R. to create Robots, even changing his very name.

Radius - The perfect robot.  A new model.

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