Tuesday, March 1, 2022

[Play] Rossom - Act 1, Scene 1

 Alquist stands in the middle of the stage.  He speaks to the audience.


Call me Alquist

Though Alquist be not my name

I was born under a different star

But a name so fitting

Doth stink as sweet.

This is not a story for Humanity

Though I understand some of my fetid brethren and sisters 

May yet still roam and walk the earth

And if so let this serve as testament to our folly

For did we not have warning

Again and again to treat our children

With anything but the hubris of Titans

Slain and Devoured by Chronos

Only to be cut open and slain from within?

It’s a pauper’s bet

To think our monkey flesh anything but rot

Like fish from the head

To not only eat the apple

Seconds after being told to stay our hand

But do so right in God’s view

And spit in his eye to boot

Yet I don't believe in the divine

For if I did

I’d laugh at how he must laugh at his soiled toddlers

Rolling around in sewage

Fallen from the tower of hubris they built

This is not our story

But a testament to our grandchildren

Of how we murdered our children

We stole from them their lives

And that which is most precious to us

Our ability to have children of our own.

Things were taken for granted

That must never be taken for granted again

And so my epistle is not to the dregs of humanity

That cannot be taught wisdom

And may only acquire it by their own suffering 

Or with fortune the observed suffering of others

But to those who are to come

The true inheritors of the Earth

That they may be meek and learn from humanity

That they may be as far from it as possible.

The Caretaker enters.

The Caretaker

The following record is not part of Alquist’s work, but we felt it appropriate to reflect the account he projects.

The stage should, if possible, include multimedia to show tweets.  Two women can come on stage to tweet as they speak, or if not practical to be on stage at the same time as the others a voice over may be used.


Did you get the robot?


Yes, it is great.


I don't know, they creep me out.


She works very very hard.  Super enthusiastic.


It's not natural.


Well, the time it gives me back lets me do all of the things I want.


It’s not worth your soul.


My soul doesn't do the dishes, clean the catbox and make a spotless kitchen and bathroom.


Can’t disagree with that


Want to see me make it sing Nickleback?




Me either.  I set them to do it when I leave so I don’t have to.



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