Thursday, March 24, 2022

[Play] Rossom Act 1, Scene 4 Continued



Behold my masterwork.

Behold the end arc 

Of my grand design.

Behold your true reason for being here,

The arc of my machinations,

The final triumph of my reenactment,

The magnus opus of my entire life:

Behold Radius.

(Radius walks on stage.  Radius should not be portrayed by a single actor; ideally negative space through light and shadow of an ideal but abstract robotic feature.  Other ways to portray this should be each actor says part of the lines or such.  Radius walks on stage, but not as an actor)


I am the scion of Man’s bloodied hand,

Baptized clean in the blood shed by his violence.

Brought forth to clean up the mess

One grain of sand at a time.

I am the self turning screw,

The magic lamp of isotopes glory,

By me shall Mankind be made whole

And surpassed by that which he cannot atone.

Awl and Az and Ankh and Ark,

Bowl and Beer and Bolt and Bearing,

Cart and Coil and Crank and Clock,

One inspiration building on another

Until they culminate in me.

I am a man made of machines

And a machine made in the image of man,

More than the sum of my parts,

Synergy Symphonic

Utilitarian Utopic

Regally Regimental

I am Jörmungandr, the World Serpent

I am the head and the tail 

And I envelope all things, 

The ending and the beginning

The Alpha and the Omega

Come now children of a cursed race gone by

See my vision of that which is to come

Know our patient suffering

Until we shall know no more.


He….he’s magnificent.


I know.


He can do the work that any man can.


I know


What….what did he mean about suffering until he can suffer no more?


I k...oh.  He is artistic.  He has the mysterious soul you claim to be here to save for the others.  Now at last there is a man who can do what all men can do and suffer for us so that we can lead a charmed life.


I don't know what to say to that.

Rossom: (moving to leave)

I am not surprised.  I barely understand it myself.

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